How to Write a Job Application Letter

A job application letter, also known as a cover letter, should be sent or uploaded with your resume when applying for jobs. The job application letters you send explain to the employer why you are qualified for the position and why you should be selected for an interview.
Writing a job application letters can seems like a challenging task. However, if you take it one step at a time, you'll soon be an expert at writing application letters to send with your resume.

Here is information on how to write job application letters, along with job application letter samples, examples, and templates to use to write application letters to apply for jobs.
Job Application Letter Format
This job application letter format lists the information you need to include in the job application letter you send with your resume. Use this application letter format as a guideline to create customized application letters to send to employers.
Sample Job Application Letters
Review these sample job application letters and edit them to create your own application letters. Take the time to customize your letters so they reflect the skills and experience you have that is directly related to the positions you are applying for. Your letters should show the hiring manager, at a glance, why you are a good candidate.
Well, take a look this vacancy first before we are going to discuss about the example...


As a part of a big group of companies in manufacturing, a new CAKSIN Sheet manufacturing in Malang seeks:
            1. Senior Accounting Staff Factory
            2. Accounting Staff      4. Logistic Staff                       6.Operator
            3. Geologist Engineer 5. Mining Engineer
            > Min. Experiences 5 years (1)
            > Min. Experiences 2 years (2,5,6)
            > Min. S1 (1,5,6)
            > Min. D3 (2,3)
            > Export-Import Experience (3)
            > Max.25 years

Please send your application CV
Recent photo & contact telp. number within 3 weeks after this advertisement to The Personal Manager PO BOX 141 Malang 64219

Answer the questions!

1. What does the advertisement above tell us?
2. What kind of people does the company require?
3. Which job position need applicant with the qualification of experiences five years?
4. How many job position does the company offer? mention them?
5. How old should the applicants be if they want to purpose a job position in the company?

Mawar street IV/8 Malang

Malang, September 1st, 2011

CAKSIN Sheet Manufacturing
PO BOX 141 Malang

Dear sir,
Referring to your advertisement in Radar Malang, August 27th 2011, I wish to apply for the position of accounting staff.
I passed my S1 study four years ago. After leaving school, I entered a firm of importers of oil and have worked as an accountant for more than three years. Unfortunately, they have to reduce their staff because of import restricted. Therefore, I have to look for new employment.
I enclosed my curriculum vitae with a recent photo and photocopies of my certificates.
I look forward that you will give me opportunity of an interview.

Yours faithfully,

Andika Katanya

Answer the questions!

1. Who sent the application letter?
2. Which position did the writer want to apply?
3. Why did he want to apply a job in the company?
4. What did he enclose in is application letter?
5. How long has he worked in his first company?

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