Offering, accepting, and refusing

A. Look at the ways someone’s make offers and accepting or refusing the offers.
1. - Anyone wants another Coke or something?
- I think we’re all drinking orange juice.
2. - Would you like to go out for dinner?
- I’d love to.
3. - Would you like butter cream on your cake sir?
- No, thanks. I don’t like it.
4. - Would you join us to go to the cinema this weekend?
- Thanks. But I am going to visit my grandmother.
5. - I have a new novel, do you want to borrow it?
- That’s a good idea.

B. Learn once more about Accepting/Refusing an offer.
Accepting an offer:
Fido : Do you want me to clean the machine?
Tommy : Thanks. That would be great

Refusing an offer:

Nina      : Should I get the food for the picnic?
Nano    : No. I’ve prepare it. Thanks, anyway.
Accepting an Offer                                                       Refusing an Offer
- I’d love to                                                                   - Sorry, I can’t. Thanks, anyway
- That would be nice                                                      - No I can’t…
- OK, sound great                                                          - Thanks. But I…
- Yes, please                                                                 - No, it’s Ok. Thanks
- Just what I need                                                          - No, it’s all right really.
- Etc.                                                                            - Etc.

C. Give responses to the offers given. Notice that a refusal is usually accompanied by a reason. Do like the example.
Offer                : Would you like to sit down?
Acceptance       : That’s very kind of you.
Refusal             : No, thanks. I’d rather stretch my legs a bit.

1. If you like, I’ll fix your computer tomorrow.
2. May I offer you a soft drink?
3. How about seeing the movie tonight?
4. Let’s have some ice cream.
5. Do you want me to carry your suitcase?

D. Make a dialogue which contains an offer with its responses {Accepting/Refusing}. Your dialogue must be 10 sentences at least.

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